


    Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Still curious?

Read some of our most popular and general questions we receive and if your question isn’t answered below, please get in touch with the team. careers@nationalgrid.com

Most Popular Questions

What roles are you recruiting for?
We are looking for Graduates, Undergraduates and Apprentices across different functions.

What training do you offer?
We're passionate about providing a work environment where everyone feels welcome and confident to bring their whole self to work. So, if you're inspired by opportunity, driven to succeed and always on the search for new ways to develop, find out are we the right fit for you. You will be supported by our ambitious growth strategy which includes a comprehensive training and development plan. You’ll play an active part in our business and demonstrate your ambition every single day. 

What is your diversity policy?
At National Grid, culture, diversity and inclusivity aren’t just buzzwords we bounce around; they’re part of the fabric of our organisation, shaping every aspect of how we approach what we do. It’s our duty to connect communities across the United Kingdom to energy. And – to do that properly – our teams should reflect the people we serve.

Diversity encourages new ideas and fresh perspectives; it stimulates engagement and helps attract top talent. That’s why we’re striving to break down barriers to recruitment, development, progression and retention.

From our employee resource groups that do everything from attracting minority candidates to acting as mentors internally, to our culture of celebrating talent and achievement, you’ll be given every opportunity to reach your potential here, regardless of your gender, race, ethnicity, faith, sexual orientation, disability or background. Creating a culture of inclusivity, acceptance and celebration is an ongoing mission, and one we’re always working on.

Can I apply for an apprenticeship if I have a degree?
We encourage anyone with a degree to explore our graduate opportunities as our apprenticeships are aimed as an entry point to gain experience as well as a qualification. If, however, you have a degree and are interested in applying for an apprenticeship that is not relevant to your degree discipline, then we will review your application on a case by case basis. 

Starting at National Grid

What happens when I receive an offer?
Once you have received an offer you will be sent an offer letter and contract as soon as possible. You will then be assigned a ‘buddy’ who will be your main point of contact. You will also be invited to attend an induction which is a great opportunity to meet other offer holders, National Grid employees, and get up to date with what’s happening at the company.

Do I have to live near National Grid’s head office (in Warwick) to be an employee?
Your base location will be dependent on your role or programme. Some roles require you to live within 30-45mins of the base location, but also require you to travel to other sites, however some roles have no restrictions or limitations on your choice of commute.

Will I have the opportunity to work abroad?
We have roles that may be involved in projects abroad, and as the company grows globally, we will likely have opportunities to work with colleagues further afield. However, as we also move towards a more hybrid model, there is much more opportunity to work virtually and therefore travel would not be necessary. National Grid have specialist programmes in both the US and UK, and these currently operate independently.

Application process

How can I prepare for the video interview?
Take 5 – 10 minutes to reflect on your qualities and achievements to date. We also recommend you take a look at our website and do some research about National Grid. Most importantly we want you to be as natural as possible during the interview so there is no need to prepare answers. Check your microphone and camera is working, ensure you’re in a well-lit location, and we recommend wearing business casual dress. You do have the opportunity to complete a practice question as many times as you want to get you comfortable in front of the camera!

How can I prepare for the tests?
Our tests include a practice question. We would strongly recommend utilising the practice tests as this will get you used to working under timed conditions and refresh your numeracy skills.

How often can I apply to National Grid?
You can apply to National Grid once every recruitment cycle, which typically spans from September to February. If you attend an assessment centre, regardless of the outcome, you can request feedback on your performance which we hope you can work on before reapplying in the next recruitment cycle.

Do I have to be in my final year of study to apply to National Grid?
Yes, for the Graduate Development Programme and Undergraduate programmes (Industrial Placement and Interns), you will be in your final year of study or have already completed your studies when applying.  For Power Academy, you can apply from your first year of study and applications are submitted via the IET.

What is the application process timeline?
This is mostly down to you, and how quickly you complete the different stages. Once you have completed the online part of your application it will be sent to our recruitment team to review. We aim to be in touch with candidates within 8 weeks of their application. If you are invited to an assessment centre, these are held regularly in different locations across the UK and you will be invited to a date and location for the programme you have applied for.

Does the time that I apply alter my chances of being offered a job?
Assessment centres take place from November to April. We encourage you to apply as early as possible as applications will close once the required number of offers have been made. Additionally, we encourage you to apply early to ensure that you secure a place on an assessment centre for your preferred programme.

Does it matter if I do not have a scientific or engineering background?
Our trainees come from a variety of educational backgrounds, including art, music, and language. However, dependant on your preferred programme, there will be minimum requirements.

Do you give extra time on your tests?
Yes, if you require adjustments for the online tests there is a place to state this in your initial application. We are happy to work with candidates who require adjustments in order to make our tests accessible to all.

Do I have to come to the UK if I am applying from overseas?
You can complete the online application form, the online tests and the video interview from abroad, however if you are invited to attend an assessment centre, you would be required to meet us in person, in the UK.

How do I know if I am more suited to the graduate or experienced hire role?
If you have more than three years of experience working in your field of choice, then you would normally be more suited to an experienced role. If you are unsure, please make an application to both your preferred programme and any experienced roles you’re interested in, and team will review your applications.

Do you sponsor visas for international employees?
We will accept applications from any students who have a right to work for a period of the duration of the graduate scheme. This includes international students who are eligible for a Graduate route work visa following graduation. Applicants for our Apprenticeship programmes should be aware that we are unable to provide sponsorship if you require a visa for our apprenticeship programmes.

Do I need a driver’s licence to apply?
You don’t need to have a license at the time of application, so long as you obtain one by the time you start with us, or 3 months prior to starting, depending on the programme.

How can I find out more about National Grid?
Throughout October, November and December we will be at universities, attending careers fairs and giving presentations, in person or virtually. Attending one of our events, will give you the opportunity to get to know more about National Grid, meet some of our team, and kick start your application. Take a look at the events section of our website, where you can search for events in your area.

Do I have to send a cover letter or CV when applying?
If you are applying for one of the Early Careers development programmes, then we do not require a CV or cover letter. If you are applying for the experienced role you will be asked to send in your CV when you apply.

Assessment centre and final interviews

Will you cover travel expense?
If you need to travel to attend your final interview, we will refund your travel expenses. The process for this will be communicated in the invitation to attend.

Do you provide feedback on the selection process?
We really appreciate the commitment made in attending our assessment centre, so we always give feedback. We include specific feedback from the assessors on the day in the hope that each candidate will find this useful, regardless of the outcome of the selection day.

How can I prepare for the assessment day?
When preparing for the assessment day we recommend you brush up on your interview skills, practice makes for good preparation. As well as reflecting on your achievements and why you’d like to join National Grid. When invited to your assessment day you will be sent more information about the different exercises and what to expect.